Can I Really Trust the Bible?

There is no foolproof argument to convince people that really God exists, or that he really loves us, or that the Bible is really his Word. But God convinces people of these things, every day, as they encounter the beauty of his love for them on the pages of Holy Scripture.

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Why is there so much pain in the world?

God’s solution for pain is not to tell you to lower your standards, or that it’s all your fault, or that you should stop complaining if you don’t want to fail the test. God’s solution is to sit beside you in your pain, take that pain upon himself, and win for you eternal life in a place where there will be no pain ever again.

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What If I Have Doubts?

Jesus discourages doubt. But he doesn’t discourage doubters… Instead, Jesus draws near to doubters. He comes to us in his Word. And there, he not only provides proof and eyewitness testimony for events like the resurrection – but he also provides an unexpectedly beautiful look in to the love of God for his human creatures.

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