Making an Eternal Difference

In the ocean of humanity that constitutes a major city, what possible ripple can a church make?

Politicians are far better equipped to end systematic oppression. Schools are far better equipped to prepare children for good jobs. Homeless shelters are far better equipped to help feed the hungry. So why start yet another church in the city?

The reason we’re planting Intown Lutheran Church is that God has called us to make an eternal difference.

Crime, poverty, and racial injustice are all symptoms of the same disease: the disease of sin. Sin separates us from God, turns us against one another, and ultimately leads to death and hell.

But God has provided the solution for sin. “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ died on a cross for you, for me, and for every single person in this city. Through faith in him we have confidence to face the difficulties of life here on earth, because we know that one day he will bring us to eternal life in heaven.

So why start yet another church in the city?

. . . . to share the good news of Jesus with as many people as possible.

. . . . to help people see each other the way God sees all of us: precious souls for whom Christ died.

. . . . to bring hope to the hopeless, comfort to the lonely, and justice to the oppressed.

. . . . to connect people with Jesus here on earth, that they might be eternally connected with him in heaven.

You can use this website to stay updated on our ministry, to support us with a donation, to share your contact info, or simply to keep us in your prayers. We hope you will join us in making a difference ““ a difference that lasts forever.

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